South America: Brazil: Brazilian Brigadeiro Chocolate Delights

South America: Brazil: Brazilian Brigadeiro Chocolate Delights



Combine condensed milk, cocoa, and 2 tablespoons butter in a saucepan; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and cook, stirring constantly, until brigadeiro mixture thickens and pulls away from the bottom and sides when the pan is tilted, 10 to 15 minutes.

Remove from heat and let brigadeiro mixture cool to room temperature, about 1 hour.

Scoop teaspoonfuls of the brigadeiro mixture and roll into balls with greased hands.

Spread chocolate sprinkles on a shallow plate. Dip and roll brigadeiros in sprinkles.



You can speed up the cooling process in the refrigerator.

Author: orenalwpusr
sales rep in the S.E

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