Africa: Cameroon: Cameroonian Kwacocoa and Banga Soup

Africa: Cameroon: Cameroonian Kwacocoa and Banga Soup



4 lbs White Macabo Cocoyams

800 gram Palm Nut Paste or 2 Ibs Fresh Palm Nut Fruits

4 Large Pieces of Smoked Barracuda or Smoked Fish of Choice

1/2 Cup Crayfish

1 Whole Alligator Pepper

1 Leaf Manjuweli

Bush Pepper/Black Pepper

2 Habanero Pepper

1 Large Bunch Spinach or Fresh Water Leaves or a Vegetable of Choice

2 Small Pieces of Four Cornered Spice

1 Whole or 1/4 Teaspoon Country Onion-Ground

2 Whole Pebbe

2 Index Finger Size Ginger

½ Medium Size Onion 

2 Cloves Garlic






NOTE: Direct skin contact with raw cocoyams may cause itchiness for some people. It is advised to wear rubber gloves when completing the following steps.

Peel the cocoyams with a peeler or a sharp knife.    

Thoroughly wash the cocoyams until they’re clean and let them sit in a bowl of clean water.  

Grate the cocoyams to form the cocoyam paste and add a pinch of salt and ¼ cup of water. 

Aerate the cocoyam paste by continuously beating to reach a fluffy texture.

Treat the banana or plantain leaves by gently placing one sheet at a time on top of the flames without allowing it to burn.

In the absence of leaves, line the inside of an aluminum foil with parchment paper and wrap the Kwacoco as directed in the steps below. 

Scoop about a cup of the cocoyam paste and place on the treated leaves and wrap by rolling the leaves and folding both ends to prevent the paste from spilling. 

Place the wrapped bundle into the pot and add water and cook on medium heat for 2 hours. Add more water if needed and cook until the kwacoco is done.



Option 1: Extracting Pulp from Palm Nut Fruits. 

If using the fresh palm nuts. Wash the nuts thoroughly and remove debris. 

Place the nuts into the pot, add water to reach just above the level of the nuts and boil until it becomes soft. 

Remove the palm nuts from the pot and place into a mortar while it’s hot and then pound to release the pulp.

Transfer the pounded nut into a bowl and add hot water. Mix well then sift to filter the pulp from the nuts fibers. 

Use the pulp to cook the banga soup as directed on following steps.


 Option 2: Using Palm Nut Paste

Pour the palm nut paste into a clean pot and add 10 cups of hot water. Mix well until it’s smooth then cook on medium heat to bring to a boil.

Blend the alligator pepper, black pepper, four cornered spice, pebbe, ginger, garlic and onion until it forms into a puree and set aside.

Just when the palmnut soup begins to thicken, add the spice blend, smoked fish, crayfish, salt, bouillon and the manjuweli. Stir gradually not to break the fish. Set the stove on medium to low heat and cook for 15 minutes. 

Add the spinach or water leaves into the pot and cook for an additional 10 minutes on low heat. Add water if needed to your desired consistency. Then cook on low heat for an additional 5 minutes. 

Serve by unwrapping the kwacoco from the leaves, place it into a bowl and add the palm nut soup with the smoked fish. Enjoy this fingerling licking dish with a cool drink of your choice.

Author: orenalwpusr
sales rep in the S.E

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