Africa: Mauritias Mauritian: Gateaux Patate (Potato Cake)

Africa: Mauritias Mauritian: Gateaux Patate (Potato Cake)



300 g cooked sweet potato

Pinch of salt

2 tbsp ground almonds

2-3 brown coconuts flesh grated, or 100 g desiccated coconut

100 g unrefined golden caster sugar

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla extract

vegetable oil for frying

1-2 tbsp plain flour



Mash the sweet potato until completely smooth.

Add ground almonds & flour and work into the mixture until you have a dough that comes together into a ball 

Place in an oiled bowl cover with a damp cloth and chill in the fridge for 30 mins

In a separate bowl mix together the grated coconut, sugar, cinnamon and vanilla extract until well combined 

Once the dough has firmed up divide the mixture into 8 small balls

Use a rolling pin to roll the balls into circles about 10 am in diameter 

Place a tsp of the coconut mixture into the centre of each dough circle then fold over and make a half moon shape 

Press down the edges using a fork so none of the mixture can come out

Heat enough veg oil for deep frying, fry the gateaux Patate until golden  (around 4-5 mins) and the pastry has puffed up. Drain on kitchen paper and leave to cool before serving. 

Author: orenalwpusr
sales rep in the S.E

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