Africa: Seychelles: Seychellios Biskwi Bourbon (Baked Sweet Biscuit)

Africa: Seychelles: Seychellios Biskwi Bourbon (Baked Sweet Biscuit)

The Biskwi Bourbon is crispy, crunchy, twice -baked sweet biscuit that makes a delicious teatime treat.



480 g all purpose flour

70 g full cream milk powder

220 ml lukewarm water

75 g melted butter (50 g for dough and 25 g to add during knock-back)

½ tbsp sugar   to bloom yeast

3 tbsp sugar to add to flour

10 g butter, to grease baking tray

7 g yeast

1 tsp salt



In a medium size bowl mix the salt and three tablespoons sugar to the flour and keep

In a small jug add water to milk powder and stir to mix

Place about 75 ml of the milk in another small bowl and add ½ tablespoon of  sugar and dissolve, then add the yeast and stir and allow to bloom, about 15-20 minutes.

Make a well in the flour and add the activated yeast mix and 50 g of the melted butter and incorporate well, add the remaining lukewarm milk and mix .Use a wooden spoon to stir until combined and then use your hands to bring the dough together in the bowl.

Remove the dough from the bowl and place of a floured working top and knead with your hand for about 7 minutes until smooth and elastic. Sprinkle some more flour if you feel that the dough is still sticky. You require a very soft dough.

Coat the dough with some oil and place on a bowl, cover with a damp cloth or cling film and let the dough rise for 1 hour in a warm draught-free place or till it doubles in size.

Preheat your oven temp to 180°c

Brush a baking tin of about 25 cm long , 18 cm wide and 5 cm deep with the butter to lightly grease.

After the dough has risen and doubled in size, keep it in the bowl and punch it to release the air.

Add the remaining 25 g melted butter and incorporate  with your fingers. This will feel a bit messy but persevere and all the butter will be absorbed into the dough giving you a soft silky dough.

Place the dough on a working top and knead for about one minute.

Shape the dough into a thick log to fit the baking tray

Gently lift dough and transfer it in the middle of the greased baking tin, cover with a damp cloth and let rise in a warm place for about an hour.

Bake in the pre-heated oven for 30-40 minutes.

Take the tin out of the oven and turn the loaf immediately onto a wire rack and allow to cool. If left in the pan, the loaf will sweat and the crust will become soft. Allow to cool completely.

Carefully slice the dough into ¾ cm thick slices, bearing in mind that the bread will be quite crumbly. Lay the slices flat on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake in an oven 180°c for 15-20 minutes until well browned and crisp. Keep and eye on the slices because some oven may heat at different rate.

Remove the tray from oven and turn the slices over and bake again for another 15 minutes or until golden brown.

Remove from oven and allow to cool completely. The biscuit will be crispy when cooled completely.

Top with butter and dunk into your tea, or store in an airtight container



The water needs to be lukewarm to activate the yeast and encourage it to grow. If the water is too hot, it can kill the yeast. 

Take care not to prove your dough too fast as the top of the loaf may collapse during baking.

You may choose to prepare the bread one day earlier, you may find that you end up with a crispier biskwi when you use day old bread.

The biskwi can be stored in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks or longer.

They are lightly sweet you may therefore choose to increase or reduce the sugar as per your taste.

If you want the biskwi to be super-crispy, leave them in the oven after you have switched it off.

Author: orenalwpusr
sales rep in the S.E

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