Carribean: Belize: Belizean Cashew Wine (Juice and Nuts)

Carribean: Belize: Belizean Cashew Wine (Juice and Nuts)
Wash the cashew fruit, dry, then cut it into small pieces and remove the nut.
Put the cut up cashew fruit ,sugar ,water and yeast into the carboy and then pour in 1 gallon of water.
Add the yeast.
Yeast Hydration and primary fermentation: in a large cup add 4 ounces of warm chlorine free water.
Stir the yeast into the water then let mixture stand in cup for 15 minutes, make sure it is bubbling and then you will add it to your wine.
Take your hydrometer reading and calculate all the measurements.
Attach your airlock and wait for your fermentation to be complete, let ferment with the pulp for 5-7 days gently agitate daily.
After 5-7 days when the foaming calms down you will siphon your wine off of the sediment into your secondary container which is usually your glass carboy.
(The sediment is the stuff that accumulates at the bottom of your container.)
After you strained into your secondary carboy wait till the fermentation activity dies down (could be between several weeks to several months)
Although yeast activity will decrease as the fermentation process proceeds, there will still be fermentation going on as long as you still see some foaming or bubbling.
then rack into a clean carboy.
(For a sweet wine, rack at three weeks.
Add 1/2 cup sugar or maple syrup dissolved in 1 cup wine.
Stir gently, and place back into secondary Carboy.)
Repeat process every six weeks until fermentation does not restart with the addition of sugar.
Rack every three months until one year old.
When the wine has cleared and is inactive – taste and bottle.
Aging / Bottling:
You can repeat the racking process several times to get the maximum clarity though I would wait in-between each time a day or to, so the sediment can settle.
It is possible to rack a wine too many times. The additional disruptions to a resting wine can work as a negative by way of over oxidation and/or the general deterioration of the wine’s flavor. So, please do not get the idea that more is better when it comes to racking your wine.
Bottle using the siphon cork and let wine sit for 6-12 months before drinking. Some would even prefer waiting 2 years!
Author: orenalwpusr
sales rep in the S.E

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