Caribbean: Belize: Belizean Machuca With Mashed Plaintain

Caribbean: Belize: Belizean Machuca With Mashed Plaintain
3-4 Plantains (Green or Yellow)
Wash the plantains, and then with a knife and run the knife along one of the ridges of the plantain.
Use fingers to split the skin apart, and peel the plantain, taking care to remove all of the skin.
Then, slice and set aside.
Boil a kettle, and then fill a pot with it, adding some salt also.
Add the plantain, and boil until tender which should be around 20 minutes. D
rain the plantain, reserving the water.
Place the plantain in a food processor, with a little of the cooking water and margarine and blend into a smooth thick paste.
Return to the pot and allow to heat through into a almost stiff, but glutinous mass.
Use a wooden spoon to stir the mixture, and also to shape it into individual ball.
Serve with beef stew, fried fish, or vegetarian dish. Enjoy!
Yellow plantains can be tricky to choose, if you don’t know how to pick ripe plantains.
The plantains should be slightly firm, and be deep yellow and if you wish to eat a riper plantain-It should have black patches on it and be a little bit softer feeling.
Never buy soggy feeling plantains, or those which look greyish-black-It is a sign that it is rotten.
Author: orenalwpusr
sales rep in the S.E

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