Carribean: Belize: Belizean Hudut (Fish Cooked In A Coconut Broth)

Carribean: Belize: Belizean Hudut (Fish Cooked In A Coconut Broth)
5 Green plantains
3 Ripe plantains
2 Whole coconut (grated)
5 Plate-size fish (prefer snapper)
1 Small onion (diced)
1 Bell pepper (diced)
4 Basil leaf (chopped)
1 lbs Okra (whole)
Salt & pepper
8 cups of water

Clean, core, and season fish with the salt and pepper and partially fry then set aside.

Sauté the onions and bell peppers for a few minutes then add the coconut milk and water, stir then add the fish.  

Let it set for a few minutes until it starts heating up.  

At this point you will need to constantly stir milk with a spoon – do not stir the fish but keep the milk in constant movement with the spoon.  

The milk will start to curdle if you do not maintain the constant motion.  

You can turn fish after one side is cooked.  

Let the soup continue boiling and bubble until the fish is cooked and soup is thickened.  

Taste for flavor, add salt and pepper to taste.

5 minutes before you turn off the stove, add the okro to the soup.

Peel and cut plantains.

Each plantain should be cut in three or four pieces. Boil the green plantains first in 8 cups of water.

After they are about half way cooked, add the half ripe plantains.

Let all plantains boil until they are fully cooked.

Remove from water and let them cool. Mash both plantains and form into balls and serve with the Hudut. 


Author: orenalwpusr
sales rep in the S.E

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