Caribbean: Belize: Boil Up boiled Fish, Eggs, Vegetables, and Bread Dumplings)

Caribbean: Belize: Belizean Boil Up (boiled Fish, Eggs, Vegetables, and Bread Dumplings)



2 lbs. fish
1 lb. pigtail
4 eggs
2 yams
2 cassavas
4 large sweet potatoes
4 ripe plantains
6 green bananas
4 cups of water
4 tsp baking powder
½ cup of water, as well as a large pot of water
6 tomatoes
2 onions
2 green peppers
4 cups flour
Salt and pepper
Tomato sauce



-Combine the flour, baking powder and water to create the dough for the boil cakes.
-Separate the dough into 4 inch balls and flatten each.



Peel and chop your yams, cassavas, sweet potatoes into chunks, and the ripe plantains and green bananas into two or three slices.

Boil your ground food in a pot and boil the flattened dough on top of the ground food right before its ready.

Boil the eggs
Boil the fish
Boil the pigtail



Cut up your tomatoes, onions and green peppers and sauté with tomato sauce. Add salt and black pepper to taste. 


Combine the different food groups to create your own Belizean Boil Up.

Author: orenalwpusr
sales rep in the S.E

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