South America: Venezuela: Venezuelan maduros Tajadas (Fried Sweet Plantains)

South America: Venezuela: Venezuelan maduros Tajadas (Fried Sweet Plantains)



2 big yellow ripe plantains

Enough vegetable oil to fry (you can use sunflower oil)

Pinch of salt

Shredded white cheese (optional but highly recommended)



Cut the ends of the plantains and peel them.

Cut the peeled plantains into diagonal slices.
In a big pan, add enough oil to cover the slices. Heat the oil over medium heat.
Fry the plantain slices until they are brown, flip to cook the other side.
Let the fried sweet plantains rest over absorbent paper and sprinkle with a pinch of salt.
Serve with some shredded white cheese on top
Author: orenalwpusr
sales rep in the S.E

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