South America: Venezuela: Venezuelan Tizana (Fruit, Orange Juice)

South America: Venezuela: Venezuelan Tizana (Fruit, Orange Juice)



8 cups orange juice, chilled

1 cup fresh pineapple, diced

1 cup watermelon, cut into small balls

1 cup melon, cut into small balls

1 cup honeydew, cut into small balls

1 cup ripe mango, diced

2 cups strawberries, sliced

1 cup grenadine or to taste



Combine all the chopped fruit in a large bowl and mix together until everything is well combined.

Place all the fruit in the pitcher and add orange juice. Mix with a wooden spoon.

Add the grenadine and stir until well combined.

Refrigerate for 20 minutes to let all the fruit flavors mix together.

Serve cool.



You can use any combination of fruit that you prefer, or even better, you can use seasonal fruit that is less expensive if the above ingredients are not all in season.

Author: orenalwpusr
sales rep in the S.E

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