Africa: Mauritius: Mauritian Mango, Rum and Lime Syllabub

Africa: Mauritius: Mauritian Mango, Rum and Lime Syllabub



4 ginger biscuits, crushed

300 ml double cream

1/2 vanilla pod, seeds scraped out

3 tbsp unrefined icing sugar

75 ml rum, plus 4 tbsp

150 ml tinned Alphonso mango puree

(alternatively blitz fresh mangoes in food processor)

2 Alphonso mangoes, peeled and cut into 2.5 cm cubes

desiccated coconut to sprinkle over the top

mint leaves to decorate (optional)



Put the ginger biscuits into a large plastic bag (a sandwich bag is ideal) and bash vigorously with a rolling pin until you have a bag of crumbs.

Using an electric whisk, lightly whip the double cream.

Add the vanilla seeds, icing sugar, rum, lime juice and zest, reserving a little for decoration. Keep whisking until it forms light peaks. 

Add about one-third of the mango puree and half the cubed mango and fold through for a marbled effect.

To assemble the syllabubs, divide the crumbs between 4 glasses.

Sprinkle a teaspoon of rum over each and top with the rest of the mango puree. Spoon the cream over the top. Just before serving, sprinkle with desiccated coconut and reserved lime zest.

Author: orenalwpusr
sales rep in the S.E

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